3 steps to choosing the most suitable Second pension pillar plan

How to not get lost in the offer and choose the plan that suits you best?

Information for investors about completion of mutual funds’ Integrum Global USD Bond Fund, Integrum Global Corporate USD Bond Fund, Integrum CEEMEA USD Bond Fund and Integrum Emerging Markets Corporate USD Bond Fund domestic merger

Investors are able to purchase, sell and request to return the investment certificates of the receiving fund starting from August 29, 2023.

What will happen to my pension savings if I don't live to retirement?

We don't like to think about what will happen when we are no longer in this world, but in some matters, it's worth considering in advance.

About the new address of Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Starting from 01.08.2023 Integrum Asset Management IPAS (hereinafter — the Company) has a new legal address: Antonijas street 3-7, Riga, LV-1010.

About the change of shareholders of Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Due to the change of shareholders, there have been changes in the composition of the Company's Supervisory Board, while the Management Board continues to operate in its current composition.

Amendments in Documents of Mutual Fund managed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Hereby we inform you that on 2 August 2023 became effective the amendments to the prospectus and regulations of the investment funds managed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS.

Is the active 2nd pension pillar plan suitable for you?

There are three types of second pillar pension plans: active, balanced, and conservative. Their main difference lies in the proportion of assets the pension plan invests in stocks.

Information for investors about domestic merger of mutual funds proposed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Integrum Asset Management IPAS (hereinafter – Management Company) informs that with the aim of providing wider investment opportunities for the investors and optimizing the administration process it has decided to add the mutual fund Integrum Global Corporate USD Bond Fund, the mutual fund Integrum CEEMEA USD Bond Fund and the mutual fund Integrum Emerging Markets Corporate USD Bond Fund (hereinafter together referred to as Merging funds and each individually as Merging fund)

Information for investors about completion of mutual funds’ Integrum Global EUR Stock Index Fund and ABLV European Industry EUR Equity Fund domestic merger

Integrum Asset Management IPAS informs that the merging process of the mutual fund ABLV European Industry EUR Equity Fund, (merging fund) and mutual fund Integrum Global EUR Stock Index Fund, (receiving fund) has been completed.

3 reasons to start saving up for pension from young age

One may think that it is way to early to think about the retirement when you’re young, because it is ages away and there are more important things to do. But is it the right way to think?

Are your 2nd pension pillar savings protected from the foreign currency risk?

Did you know that the most popular investment plans in Latvia, investing up to 50% of assets in capital securities and other financial instruments of equivalent risk level, actually are investing in foreign currency in up to 50% cases, for example, the USD denominated financial instruments?

Information for investors about domestic merger of mutual funds proposed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Integrum Asset Management IPAS informs that with the aim of providing wider investment opportunities for the investors and optimizing the administration process it has decided to add the mutual fund ABLV European Industry EUR Equity Fund to the mutual fund Integrum Global EUR Stock Index Fund.

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS
Antonijas Street 3, Riga, LV-1010
+371 6700 2777

Business hours:
I-IV: 09.00-17.30
V: 09.00-14.30

[email protected]
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