From early days to golden age: how to prepare for your retirement years?

In order to secure your golden age years, you should save up for your pension throughout your life, yet in earlier days we rarely prioritise pension and have different possibilities to address this matter. In this article, we will discuss how to plan your retirement years and what one should pay attention to.

5 factors affecting your old age pension

In order to help you start arranging things to come to your retirement prepared, we have summarised 5 crucial factors that affect your old age pension calculations.

Amendments in Documents of Mutual Fund managed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

The introduced amendments in the normative documents of the investment funds ABLV Global Corporate USD Bond Fund and ABLV Emerging Markets Corporate USD Bond Fund refer to the changes in the name of the investment funds. In addition, information about risks, information about remuneration policy of the Managing Company is updated, as well as links to the Managing Company’s website are changed and other editorial corrections are made.

Retirement before due time: 4 factors to take into account

Retiring before due time is a very important decision that will directly affect your retirement days, therefore you should consider all the factors that can have any impact on the amount of pension and the procedure of disbursement of it.

Information for investors about completion of mutual funds’ Integrum Multi-Asset Total Return USD Fund, ABLV Global USD Stock Index Fund and ABLV US Industry USD Equity Fund domestic merger

Both merging funds ceased to exist on March 13, 2023 without liquidation. As a result of the merger the investors of each merging fund have become the investors of the receiving fund.

Pension system in Latvia: how to understand your pension pillars?

Latvian pension system consists of three pillars. In the first two pillars, the money is being automatically deducted from your taxable income, while in the third pillar it is your free choice to make contributions to it on your own.

Information for investors about domestic merger of mutual funds proposed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

The Management Company proposes merger of the mutual funds with the aim of providing wider investment opportunities for the investors and optimizing the administration process. As a result of the merger the investors will be able to benefit from more efficient management, better diversification and wider investment opportunities which is inherent for the mutual fund with a large amount of assets.

Amendments in Documents of Mutual Fund managed by Integrum Asset Management IPAS

Hereby we inform you that Bank of Latvia registered the amendments to the prospectus, regulations and basic information for investors of the investment fund ABLV High Yield CIS USD Bond Fund on 18 January 2023.

How your employment in other EU/EEA countries can affect your old-age pension?

In order to help you navigate through this issue, we have gathered the key factors you should keep in mind upon long-term employment and living in another member-state and accumulating your old-age pension capital.

5 factors to keep in mind before retiring

Approaching this age, you might start to think, when is the best time to retire? It is an important decision that will directly affect the rest of your life, so you should consider all the factors that your pension amount and disbursement procedure depend on.

“There will be no pension anyway” – 7 popular myths about pension accruals

Even though saving for pension is being widely discussed and explained, yet there still are many misconceptions in the society about what share of your pension will all three pension pillars constitute. In this article we will try to dispel some of these myths.

Lifetime pension insurance: is it worth it?

Lifetime pension insurance is a government-approved alternative to use your pension savings with more control over how the savings of 2nd pillar pension will be disbursed to you.

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS
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+371 6700 2777

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