About us

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Investment management company with experience in managing shared investment products of various risk and complexity. The key to our success is large experience, responsible investment strategy and strong team that consists of highly qualified professionals. We believe that you can become our investor as well and we are ready to help you grow your capital investment value every day!

Signet Active Plan

Second pillar pension investment plan Signet Active Plan has active investment strategy that allows fro up to 50% of the assets to be invested in the shares of the companies and the remaining assets in the government and corporate bonds with fixed income to ensure a stable capital value appreciation with the aim to reduce the short term asset value volatility.


Harijs Beķeris, CMT
Member of the Board
Harijs Beķeris savu karjeru aktīvu pārvaldīšanas jomā uzsāka 2006. gadā, kad pievienojās Parex Asset Management, sākotnēji būdams atbildīgs par klientu līdzekļu portfeļu diskrecionāro pārvaldību. Kopš 2009. gada Harijs Beķeris ir iesaistīts arī CBL Asset Management vairāku ieguldījumu fondu un pensiju 2. un 3. līmeņa pensiju plānu pārvaldībā. Harijs Beķeris pievienojās Signet Asset Management Latvia komandai neilgi pēc tās dibināšanas 2011. gadā un kopš tā laika pārvalda klientu ieguldījumu portfeļus un privāto 3. līmeņa pensiju plānu. Viņš ir ieguvis profesionālo maģistra grādu finanšu ekonomikā Latvijas Universitātē. 2017. gadā Harijs Beķeris ieguva Chartered Market Technician (CMT) apzīmējumu, kas apliecina pamatzināšanu kopuma apguvi par ieguldījumu risku portfeļu pārvaldībā un ir nozīmīgākais apzīmējums tehniskās analīzes praktiķiem visā pasaulē.
 Reinis Zauers 
Member of the Board
Reinis has a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Law at University of Latvia. His work experience in the field of law began in 1999, having since worked for numerous private and state government organisations. In 2003, Reinis transitioned to the financial sector, successfully holding various positions, most notably as a lawyer at the Parex Banka Financial Markets and Investment Management Department, and as head of the BlueOrange Legal Department and later part of its executive team. Since 2013, he has headed the Legal Department at Signet Bank and has contributed to its upper management group, while also holding the position of Member of the Board at Signet Asset Management Latvia.

Corporate Governance

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board is an institution elected by the shareholders that supervises the work of the Management Board in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and performs other significant functions to ensure effective operation of the Company:

  • Coordination of the work of the Internal Audit
  • Approval of the strategy of the Company and supervision of its execution
  • Supervision of effective functioning of the internal control system of the Company
  • Supervision of material risks in the operation of the Company
  • Supervision of effective functioning of the information management system of the Company
  • reviewing statements and recommendations provided by the sworn auditor and the Bank of Latvia
  • Other duties defined in the Articles of Association or normative documents of the Company

Members of the Supervisory Board

Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Tatjana Drobina
Built her professional career as a CFO and Head of Internal Audit at asset management company, later a Board member and CFO of a commercial bank. Experience in the financial sector for more than 25 years.

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Jānis Junkers
Arbitration court judge, sworn advocate with more than 14 years of work experience.

Member of the Supervisory Counci - Alexey Generalov
Has an extensive experience in various areas of the banking business: correspondent relations, brokerage, asset management, treasury management. His total experience in the financial markets is over 20 years.

Internal audit

Internal audit is an independent unit of the internal control system the aim of which is to enhance the operations of the company. Internal audit helps the company to achieve its targets by implementing a systematic and disciplined approach to the risk management, control and corporate governance process effectiveness assessment and development.

Internal auditor – Natālija Jermokoviča.  


100% of the voting shares in the company are owned by Signet Bank AS.

Information on delegation of services

Following the requirements of regulatory enactments, Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has delegated the following services to the following external service providers:

Under the service delegation agreement between the Company and Driven, SIA (unified registration number 40203374308, legal address: 23 Elizabetes Street, Riga, LV-1010, advertising agency), Driven, SIA, provides marketing services to the Company.

On the basis of the service delegation agreement concluded between the Company and Signet Bank, AS, (single registration No 40003043232, legal address: Antonijas iela 3, Riga, LV-1010), Signet Bank, AS provides the Company with services of internal audit function, maintenance of information technology systems, as well as personnel management services.

Recommended reading

Asset management philosophy

Iepazīsties ar Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS klientu aktīvu pārvaldīšanas filozofiju un darbības pamatprincipiem!


Any questions?

kontaktforma leja
Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Registration number: 40003814724
LEI number: 549300BO9IYZ6ER3TR25
Legal address: Antonijas Street 3-7, Riga, LV-1010
Office address: Antonijas Street 3, Riga, LV-1010
Registration date: 30.03.2006.
Phone: +371 6700 2777
E-mail: [email protected]
Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS
Antonijas Street 3, Riga, LV-1010
+371 6700 2777

Business hours:
I-IV: 09.00-17.30
V: 09.00-14.30

[email protected]
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