On resuming the transactions with the investment certificates of the mutual funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS

ABLV Asset Management, IPAS (hereinafter – the Company) has completed the transfer of the assets of the mutual funds to the accounts of the new custodian bank and will completely resume the transactions with the investment certificates on 04.01.2022. With the change of the custodian bank and resuming the transactions with the investment certificates, the Company has fully ensured the necessary conditions on continuation of the operations of the mutual funds in accordance to the operating plan that has been developed under the supervision of the Financial and Capital Markets Commission.

ABLV Asset Management, IPAS changes the company name to Integrum Asset Management IPAS and introduces new brand and visual identity

In accordance with the decision of the meeting of the shareholders dated December 14, 2021, ABLV Asset Management, IPAS company name has been changed and a new brand and visual identity introduced. Henceforward ABLV Asset Management, IPAS company name will be Integrum Asset Management IPAS (hereinafter — the Company).

Amendments in Relation to ABLV Mutual Funds

This is to inform that on 16 November 2021 the Financial and Capital Market Commission registered the amendments to the prospectus and regulations of mutual funds under management of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS.

7 facts that you might not have known about the second pillar pension

Over the years the total savings in Your second pillar pension account might exceed thousands of euro. In order to help you to navigate through the questions regarding the management of your capital, we have collected the key information that you might not have known.

5 criteria you should pay attention to in your second pillar pension account statement

Find out how the value of your capital has changed since joining the second pillar pension.

Compliance review of investors of mutual funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS

Hereby ABLV Asset Management, IPAS invites investors of ABLV mutual funds in whose possession are shares of ABLV mutual funds (hereinafter - investors) until April 30th, 2021 to contact ABLV Asset Management, IPAS and submit information and documents for initiation of the compliance review of investor. It is necessary in order for ABLV Asset Management, IPAS to comply with the requirements of legal acts aimed at prevention of risks related to money laundering, terrorism and proliferation financing, as well as sanction violations (hereinafter – ML/FTP/IS).

Amendments in Relation to ABLV Mutual Funds

This is to inform that on 21 December 2020 the Financial and Capital Market Commission registered the amendments to the prospectus, regulations and basic information for investors of mutual funds under management of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS.

ABLV pensiju plāns starp līderiem savā kategorijā

Ir pagājuši trīs gadi kopš jaunā ABLV Asset Management, IPAS produkta uzsākšanas — pensiju 2. līmeņa plāna, tas ir obligātās fondēto pensiju apdrošināšanas shēmas pārvaldīšanas. Šo gadu laikā “ABLV Aktīvā ieguldījumu plāna” kopējā aktīvu vērtība pieaugusi līdz 9,5 miljoniem eiro un tas atrodas starp līderiem savā kategorijā ienesīguma ziņā.

Amendments in Relation to ABLV Mutual Funds

This is to inform that on 27 March 2019 the Financial and Capital Market Commission registered amendments to the prospectus, regulations and basic information for investors of mutual funds under management of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS that were introduced due to updating of fund performance data as well as updating of information on the Auditor and the Fund manager.

Amendments in Relation to ABLV Mutual Funds

This is to inform that on 5 November 2018 the Financial and Capital Market Commission registered amendments to the prospectus, regulations and basic information for investors of mutual funds under management of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS that were introduced due to choosing AS Baltic International Bank as the custodian bank for mutual funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS.

ABLV Asset Management, IPAS Changes Custodian Bank for Its Mutual Funds

On 22 May 2018, ABLV Asset Management, IPAS signed an agreement with the JSC Baltic International Bank which will now become the new custodian of the mutual funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS.

On ABLV Asset Management, IPAS Fund Management Activity

Taking into consideration the restrictions imposed on ABLV Bank, AS, the sale and purchase of investment certificates of the funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS are currently suspended.

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS
Antonijas Street 3, Riga, LV-1010
+371 6700 2777

Business hours:
I-IV: 09.00-17.30
V: 09.00-14.30

[email protected]
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