Kāpēc pensiju 2. līmeņa uzkrājums ir jāiegulda?

Daļa no tavām sociālās apdrošināšanas iemaksām tiek ieguldīta finanšu un kapitāla tirgū, tostarp vērtspapīros – vietējo uzņēmumu obligāciju emisijās, riska kapitālā un noguldījumos bankās. Šis ieguldījums palīdz nodrošināt tava pensijas kapitāla vērtības pieaugumu nākotnē.

Pension calculator: how big could your pension be?

Even if right now you’re still young and strong and retirement seems to be too far future to bother, it is still important to study the operational principles of Latvian pension system today to secure wealthy retirement.

Vai pašnodarbinātajam ir vērts iemaksāt pensijai vairāk?

Ja esi reģistrējies kā pašnodarbinātais, tava vecuma pensija lielā mērā ir atkarīga no tā, cik lielas sociālās iemaksas esi veicis.

Kā nomainīt pensiju 2. līmeņa plānu?

Vai zināji, ka tavas pensijas lielumu ietekmē gan tas, cik lielas sociālās iemaksas tiek veiktas, gan tas, kurā plānā tiek uzkrāts tavs pensiju 2. līmeņa kapitāls*? Jo augstāks izvēlētā pensiju plāna ienesīgums, jo vairāk finanšu līdzekļus varēsi uzkrāt vecumdienām. Iedomājies, ka Jānis un Anna jau kopš divdesmit gadu vecuma strādā algotu darbu, katrs saņemot 1000 […]

Active and Passive Pension Funds Management: What Are the Differences?

When studying various 2nd pension pillar investment plan strategies, you cannot help but notice that there are plans using active pension funds management principle, and there are plans using passive management principle. In this article we will discuss what are the differences between the active and passive fund management.

Can I withdraw my 2nd pension pillar savings?

Find out if you can claim your 2nd pillar pension capital before retirement!

Information for investors about completion of the transfer of management of mutual funds managed by Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (previous name – Integrum Asset Management IPAS, hereinafter – the Managing Company) informs that the transfer of management of the mutual funds Integrum Multi-Asset Total Return USD Fund and Integrum Global EUR Stock Index Fund assets as well as management of the mutual fund’s Integrum Global Bond Fund subfunds Integrum Global USD Bond Fund and Integrum Global EUR Bond Fund

Cik daudz ir nopelnījis mans pensiju 2. līmeņa plāns?

Katru mēnesi no tavas bruto algas vai citiem ienākumiem, par kuriem tiek maksātas sociālās iemaksas, 5% tiek ieskaitīti pensiju 2. līmenī*. Piemēram, ja tava mēnešalga ir 1000 EUR pirms nodokļu nomaksas, pensiju 2. līmenī tiek automātiski iemaksāti 50 EUR, kas nozīmē, ka gada laikā savā pensijas uzkrājumā veic iemaksu 600 EUR apmērā. Turklāt, ar katru […]

Information for investors about the transfer of management of mutual funds managed by Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (previous name – Integrum Asset Management IPAS, hereinafter – the Managing Company) informs that with the aim of implementing the Managing Company’s new operating strategy, which provides for the management of state funded pension scheeme (2nd pension pillar) assets and private pesnion fund assets, it has decided to transfer management of the mutual funds Integrum Multi-Asset Total Return USD Fund and Integrum Global EUR Stock Index Fund

“Aktīvais ieguldījumu plāns Integrum” changes it name to “Signet Aktīvais Plāns”

Hereby we inform you that on 21 November 2023 became effective the amendments to the prospectus and key information document for participants of state-funded pension scheme (2nd pension pillar) investment plan “Aktīvais ieguldījumu plāns Integrum” (hereinafter – investment plan) managed with Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (previous name - Integrum Asset Management IPAS, hereinafter – the Managing Company).

Amendments in Documents of Mutual Fund managed by Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Hereby we inform you that on 2 November 2023 became effective the amendments to the prospectus and regulations of the investment funds managed by Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (previous name - Integrum Asset Management IPAS, hereinafter – the Managing Company). The introduced amendments in the normative documents of the investment funds refer to the changes in the information on the name of the Managing Company. In addition, the information on the Management Board of the Managing Company, the information on the Fund manager and the list of other funds managed by the Managing Company is updated in the prospectus.

Integrum Asset Managemet IPAS changes it name to Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS

Since October 10, 2023, the legal name of Integrum Asset Management IPAS has been changed to Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS (hereinafter – Management Company). Management Company continues to provide services in asset management of mutual funds and state-funded pension scheme (2nd pension pillar), and to serve investors in the usual mode.

Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS
Antonijas Street 3, Riga, LV-1010
+371 6700 2777

Business hours:
I-IV: 09.00-17.30
V: 09.00-14.30

[email protected]
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