2025. gadā ir stājušās spēkā būtiskas izmaiņas, kas ietekmēs ikvienu no mums, skarot gan pensiju 2. līmeņa iemaksu apmēru, gan pensionēšanās vecumu un vecuma pensijas saņemšanai nepieciešamo darba stāžu.
Signet Pensiju Pārvalde IPAS ensures regular reflection of the results of the investment plan and the investments made in the investment plan report, as well as an opportunity for the investor to compare the yield of the Signet Active Plan with the yield of any other investment plan registered in Latvia before making the decision.
As a second pillar pension scheme participant that has not yet claimed the retirement pension you can fill an application (or in person in State Social Security Agency) and indicate, who should inherit your second pillar pension capital:
Asset manager can be changed once in a calendar year and the investment plan within the same asset manager can be changed twice a year.
When deciding on the asset manager and the investment plan, pay attention to the following:
Total commission for the asset management services of Signet Active Plan is 0.6%. It includes both – remuneration to the asset manager, to the custodian bank and third parties . Integrum does not charge any performance fee for the asset management services, therefore our interests as the asset manager are aligned with the interests of our clients in the long-term capital appreciation.
At least 50% of the assets of the Signet Active Plan are invested in the fixed income financial instruments and in deposits with the financial institutions that ensures stable appreciation of the asset value with limited short term volatility.
To enhance the long-term value appreciation, up to 50% of the assets of the investment plan can be invested in the investment funds that may invest in stocks and other similar financial instruments by risk type as well as in alternative investment funds.
Investments are done on differing maturity dates in EU countries and other countries ensuring that at least 70% is invested in EUR denominated assets. Investment concentration in the specific geographical region or industry is not intended.
he results of all the second pillar pension plan asset managers and commissions charged can be obtained in the portal www.manapensija.lv.
Data regarding the savings of the second pillar pension can be obtained:
The amount of savings in the second pillar pension is dependent on the following:
Total amount of the investments in the pension capital is 20% from your gross salary that is currently already automatically paid from your social security payments and divided by the first pillar pension (14%) and second pillar pension (6%). Therefore, by joining the Signet Active Plan, additional social security payments are not required.
Second pillar pension allows you to ensure the larger pension after retiring, because part of your social security payments that are assigned to retirement pension is invested in the financial and capital markets – securities and deposits with the financial institutions. Therefore, the accumulated capital is working in your favor and helps you to grow your pension. Furthermore, if the first pillar pension installments are used to fund the pensions of the current pensioners, then the installments that are made in the second pillar pension are used only for your own pension when retire.
2025. gadā ir stājušās spēkā būtiskas izmaiņas, kas ietekmēs ikvienu no mums, skarot gan pensiju 2. līmeņa iemaksu apmēru, gan pensionēšanās vecumu un vecuma pensijas saņemšanai nepieciešamo darba stāžu.